COMPLETE and individual SOLUTIONS from a single source
Are you looking for a new solution? In a communal network, the spacer textile competence centre offers you assistance from operators for all of the necessary steps up to the finished, new product. These include yarn suppliers, fabric manufacturers, coaters, cutters and at the same time creative minds for development ideas. You specify the properties for your desired product. We provide suggestions for the technical realisation, including the manufacture of prototypes. Benefit from the competence of nine companies already co-operating as a team from a single-source.
Nine companies along the textile supply chain work intensively on your custom solution with spacer textiles. If research is required, ITV Denkendorf supports the development. Thus, years of experience pave the path to finding a competent solution for the challenge your business is facing. You don’t have to communicate with many individual operators. Two networks - the AFBW and Cluster techtex, offer the primary interface of the Competence Centre and are your direct contacts.

Know-how, experience and excellence - that is the spacer textile competence centre. We cover the entire supply chain, from research through to fibre production and from finishing to the processing of spacer textiles.

Spacer textiles of various materials, shapes and structures are the basis for numerous solutions. We have ideas and visions for you, but also concrete products for a wide range of industries, including architecture, construction, interior design, lightweight construction, medicine, mobility or environmental technology.

INNOVATION from a single source
Are you looking for innovative products? Spacer textiles can provide important impulses. The spacer textile competence centre implements ideas for new products across all industries - convincing tailor-made ideas. Spacer textiles are your key to innovation.